Monday, October 7, 2013

The endless debate - "Do you Crochet or Knit"?, Either way lets pass on the tradition.

Well it seems to be you are either one or the other these days or so they say. I myself am of the opinion that you can be both but I do know there are plenty of die - hard knitters and crocheters out there that love one or the other and if you mistake their work for knitting when it's Crochet (or the other way around), well there could be hell to pay.

I think most of it is just light hearted fun myself. I happen to really LOVE crochet and I think it seems to be because I find it easier on my hands and also it's so much easier to rip back. But thats just my opinion and it still wouldn't stop me from doing the odd bit of knitting every now and then.

Knitting and Crochet was once viewed as a craft that only our Grandmothers did but in recent years it has become more and more popular with famous people either wearing the items or also seen crocheting in their spare time. Crochet I feel travels so well, so whether you are at the bus stop or waiting in the car for the kids. It is easy to pick up.

I started to crochet years and years ago. I am unsure where I learnt to be honest. I know I learnt to knit at school but crochet I actuallty I think I learnt from watching my Grandmother - Nana Bredin. She was a huge Crocheter. She made it look so easy. I remember sitting on her knee when I was a child and she always had a basket at her feet full of yarn and she was so relaxed about things, one of the dogs could be alseep in the basket and it never bothered her. I always loved that about her. To me she never seemed to sweat the small stuff. Maybe she did but to me she was so relaxed. So years on I would do some crochet from time to time but to be honest I didn't know what stitch was which and I couldn't read a pattern. I was basically making it up out of my head. So I went to a class and it was for Knitters and Crocheters. I started to learn the stitches and here I am only a few years on and I am TOTALLY ADDICTED.
I can't pass a Yarn shop now without going in and looking at all the colours and ranges I just want everything. There isn't enough time in the day to do all the projects I want to do and that is just Crochet. What about all the other crafts I enjoy.

A few years ago my very special (Pretty)Aunt passed away and she had lived in the Home house with my Nana. A few days after my aunts funeral I was at her home where she had lived alone and while I was there I said I would check the garage. The garage had no door on it and was really open to the elements but I said I would go and have a look.
In the garage was a dresser and it was all mouldy and damp. I couldn't not check what was in there. It looked like it had been there for many years. When I opened the drawers I found books upon books of Crochet and the most beautiful patterns.
I felt like I was meant to find them. I know she would be so proud of the crochet I do today and the fact I now teach it also. I have met the most beautiful ladies that come here to learn to crochet and I love the idea that someday they too will have their grand children on their knee while they crochet and that in some small way I passed on that craft to another generation.
These days I make lots and lots of different projects. Mainly small projects that can be done in a evening or two. I love making hats, decorations, Table mats, blankets etc. I find when I sit down to watch a bit of television in the evening or a movie at the weekends. I can pick up the crochet and I totally relax.
So go on. try it. Many of you may have done it years ago at school and may have never done it since. It's great and all you need is some hooks or kneedles and some wool and you are off. Perhaps go to a class or find a group that meets and you will just love it.

Check out our next class here at ECAC. Here are some projects we have been working on recently.
 A panel to a Holy Communion Jacket.
 Baby Booties.
 Table mat.
 Tops for jars.
 Holy Communion Bag.
 Egg Cosy.
 Tea Cosy.
 Lamp Shade.
 Jar top.
 Tea Cosy
 Start of a Scarf.

Teddy Bear.

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